Saturday, December 11, 2010

+ Task 2 : Software Application Domain +




System Software

· Program to service other programs

· Heavy interaction with computer hardware

· Heavy usage by multiple user

· Concurrent operation that require scheduling

· Resource sharing and sophisticated process management

· Complete data structures

· Multiple external interfaces

· Operating Systems

· Drivers

· Networking Software

· Telecommunications Software

· Compilers

Application Software

· Reasonably priced

· Easy to use

· Works accurately and according to spec

· Reasonably trouble free

· Adequate support for troubleshooting problems

· Point -of-Sale (POS)

· Graphic software

· Media players

· Enterprise software

· Accounting Software

· Office suites

Engineering/Scientific Software

· Require massive amount of calculations (floating points)

· Uses number-crunching algorithm

· Almost similar to system software characteristics

· Flight Simulator

· Driving Simulators

· Computer-aided design (CAD)

· Battlefield simulators

· Computer-aided engineering (CAE)

Embedded Software

· Real time computing constraints

· Handle a particular task in a device/system

· Program instructions written are called as firmware

· Small computerized parts within a larger device to serve a more general purpose

· Software to control robots movement

· Portable devices such as mp3 player

· Large stationary installation such as traffic light

· Handheld computer device such as smartphone and PDA

Product Line Software

· Unique composition of features

· Has multiple representation

· Microsoft Word

· Network protocols

· Educational/reference software

· Database management

· Financial software

Web Application

· Hosted in a browser controlled environment

· Inherit support for cross-platform compability

· Maintain and update without distributing and installing in client computers

· Uniten Online Application System

· Online spreadsheet

· Webmail

· Contact and time management software

· Online retail sales

Artificial Intelligent Software

· Perceive its environment and takes actions that maximizes its

chance of success

· Highly technical and specialized

· Expert System

· Pattern recognition

· Virtual reality/computer vision

· Robotics

· Data mining

1 comment:

  1. Have you every try to read your own posting? Pasted from other source?

